Monday, February 8, 2010

History Of Electro Controls

Electro Controls/Strand Electro Controls Ceased Their Utah Operations On
October 31, 1991. The Company Was Moved To California For A Short
Time And Was Known As Strand Lighting.  It Was Later Moved To
The United Kingdom. It Is Now Known As
Phillips Strand Lighting With Offices In Dallas Texas And
New York, New York.


  1. Greetings all - I worked for Electro Controls for a very short time in the 1975 timeframe, drilling and routing PC boards. I then enlisted in the USAF, was sent to school for my BSEE degree and subsequent commission and retired 17 years ago. I now work in electronics at the USAF Academy, living in the Colorado Springs area with my wife and daughter. While 1975 was a year full of struggles, Electro Control was part of what kept me going at the time.

    John - Colorado

  2. Hi Max,

    Do you ever do sonsulting about old EC systems?

  3. Almost every piece of EC equipment I've ever seen (and I've used a lot of it) has the initials SM marked on it. Do you know who SM is? He/she sure did a lot of work!

  4. I worked for EC in the Systems Design Department from around 1977 until early 1981. I appreciate this site and the interesting information collected here.
    Jim - Utah

  5. I read that Strand Lighting aquired EC in about 1991. I am trying to figure out what the StrandLighting Quad 2.4KW Dimmer #08-0420-33 is. It is the same size and config as the EC Quad pack and fits in the rack but the system wont talk to it...
    Please advise
